Adoption Process

Sweet girl looking for a furever home

Dog For Life are a very small non-profit rescue group made up of people who love and have a passion for helping dogs and who work and live in Puerto Vallarta and Victoria as well as fellow dog lovers in other parts of Canada and the USA. Dog For Life differs from other, larger rescue groups in that we personally work with each dog in Mexico and are part of their entire journey from the shelter to a foster home in Puerto Vallarta to their “furever” homes in Canada and USA. We take great care in ensuring they are healthy and well and placed in the best possible homes.

Our usual process is to have you fill out an application form, we review and then if warranted we would meet you and do a home check to ensure the inside and outside environments are safe and suitable for the dog. Then if all checks out and the dog is the right fit for you and you are right for the dog, we have the applicant do a one week foster to adopt. 
Please note applications are taken and reviewed in the order received. Please be patient. Thank you.
To adopt one of our dogs the fee 795 cad is for dogs from the age of 9 kgs to 25 kgs  over 25kgs is 725 cad ,dogs up to 8.5 kgs are 895 cad this fee helps to cover some of the costs to get the dogs vetted , spay/neutered,stool test,blood work all vaccinations and tests for Parvo, distemper, Erlichia and heartworm, vet care and travel costs and customs arrival cost.We are strictly a non profit and are already supplementing our rescue with our own personal funds for flights and extra vet care in PV when needed. Our flights are usually to Vancouver Island but in the summer months into Vancouver.   Any questions email me at
If you would like to make a donation to help all the dogs in the shelter we are always grateful. Every cent of your donation goes to the dogs – for food, ongoing medical care for ticks and fleas, medication and upkeep of the shelter.

If you are interested in adopting one of our wonderful dogs please complete this application form. If you have any questions, please email Deb at

For more information, please review our Dog For Life Adoption Agreement

Also check out our Facebook page link on the right for the most up to date information.

Your donations go to a worthy cause, Thank You for Your Support!

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